Workshop report

Circular pdf

EMSEV - Bishkek Russian Academy of Science Cooperation

Workshop on
Fundamental problems on the earthquake generation processes and the way to
monitor them for hazard mitigation

March 25 - 29, 2014, Toulouse (France)

In 2011, IUGG Inter-Association EMSEV and Bishkek RAS station began a cooperative research
program in Kyrgyzstan where some outstanding research on the relations between EM phenomena
and electrical resistivity changes with earthquakes has been conducted during the last 30 years. In
November 2011, teams from Japan, France and Greece visited Bishkek Research station. A meeting
was held in which a synthesis of the past results was made and a four-year agreement of
cooperation was signed (http://www.emsev-iugg.org/emsev/page016.html, and
http://www.gdirc.ru/en/index.php?limitstart=8). Furthermore, Japanese and French passive EM
recorders were installed at new field sites, 40 and 30 km away from the current system used by
Kyrgyz colleagues .

Scope of the Workshop
The main objectives of the workshop are:
- To cross-correlate the observations made during the period 2012-2013
- To highlight signals possibly related to tectonic activity, in particular, to check if VAN'S SES 
  and /or underground electric conductivity changes before earthquakes were observed
- To evaluate the triggering effects of electric current injection and magnetic storms 
- To discuss about future cooperation on theoretical study and field experiments

  Participants will be welcome in Toulouse. No registration fee is required.
  Local expenses will be defrayed by participants.
  Local Contact: Jacques Zlotnicki : jacques.zlotnicki@wanadoo.fr

  EMSEV General Secretary , Toshi Nagao : nagao @ scc.u-tokai.ac.jp
  EMSEV Chair Jacques Zlotnicki : jacques.zlotnicki @ wanadoo.fr
